The Best Customer Service
I’ve always had an insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for making sense of “the numbers,” and learned quickly that having this understanding is one of the many secrets to achieving steady cash flow and building a sustainable business.
As President of Digital Merchant Resources, I apply this knowledge to my customers, helping them to achieve success. I have great passion for providing the best customer service that is possible.
My clients appreciate this attribute and have worked with me in the merchant industry, on average, between 5 and 15 years. Building trust and loyalty with my clients is the core foundation within my value system. And I believe this is one the many reasons why businesses choose me to help them.
Clarity and Transparency
Today’s digital age and the complexity of Visa and MasterCard’s rules and regulations are challenging and onerous for the average business to understand. Making sense of these rules and regulations by providing clarity and transparency to what is actually being offered became my purpose in starting Digital Merchant Resources, LLC.
Through a proven learning and performance payment system analysis, my clients make the right decisions based on their transaction needs without any hidden agendas from the credit card companies. Most importantly, they do not have to invest in something they don’t want to, and can run their businesses with an understanding of what they are paying for.
~ Dan Ustach